Melissa found the treatment to be fairly quick. She had numbing cream on for about one hour (see photo). Before beginning the treatment, Bre used Halo laser’s hand held device to measure Melissa’s face. The measurements create a customized treatment, ensuring an even delivery for Melissa’s face. During the procedure, Melissa said it felt and smelled like someone putting tiny sparklers on her face, but it didn’t really hurt. By the end of the treatment she could feel the heat.
Halo Experience
A personal experience shared from a treatment.
Her personal story.
It happens to all of us. You notice a new dark spot or fine line. Yesterday it wasn’t there, then suddenly, overnight, your skin changes. The changes seem to pop up like weeds. One fine line turns into several. You never know when another will appear. Melissa says she has noticed a big change in her skin after the Halo treatment — it has more of a glow, her pores appear smaller on her nose, and her texture is smoother!

This is what happened to Melissa. She noticed some dark spots on her face following pregnancy. Melissa had a couple of friends who had undergone a Halo laser treatment with great results. Wanting to address the dark spots and get a jump on anti-aging, Melissa consulted with Bre, Certified Laser Specialist and Licensed Aesthetician at Maffi Clinics. Together they discussed Melissa’s concerns and treatment options. Because Melissa liked the results she had seen from her friends’ Halo, she scheduled her own treatment.


Bre provided Melissa with Avene Cicalfate Moisturizer and Thermal Spring Water, a facial cleanser and sunscreen to use at home. The heat lasted about 4 hours. A cooling fan and the mist from Avene Thermal Spring Water helped cool her down. This was the most uncomfortable part. After the heat died down, her face and neck felt like it was sunburned. Here’s a photo later that evening.
“My friends were totally right, having a Halo treatment really provided great results. The texture of my skin is smoother and my skin is glowing! “
MelissaReceived Halo Treatment at Maffi Clinics 

The next day, Melissa’s face was still red with a sunburnt feel. Brown spots began to develop where the laser light penetrated. Melissa applied Avene Cicalfate Moisturizer several times a day to help soothe and heal her skin.

Days 3 and Day 4 after the Halo treatment, Melissa said her skin was very dry and the brown spots got darker. The moisturizer helped with the dryness. Sunscreen was applied daily. New fresh skin is more susceptible to sun damage.

The dryness started to resolve and the brown spots began to slough off. Melissa could start to see pink rosy skin coming through. Her skin is smoother, and she could tell a big difference where the brown had sloughed off. She continued to use moisturizers and apply sunscreen.
The Summary
On Day 8 Melissa returned to Maffi Clinics for a complimentary dermaplane treatment. The dermaplane helped with exfoliation and removed the top layer of dead skin cells and the remaining brown spots so her smooth, bright, glowing skin could shine through!
Melissa says she has noticed a BIG CHANGE in her skin. It has more of a glow, her pores appear smaller on her nose, and her texture is smoother.
Over the next few weeks, Melissa’s skin will continue to change and improve from Halo’s deep dermal regeneration. She will see improvements in overall tone and texture, skin reflectivity and glow. Her skin will continue to stimulate collagen and elastin helping to maintain Halo’s treatment results.
Are you interested in addressing your skin’s tone and texture? Schedule a complimentary appointment with Bre, Sunshine or Teann to find out how Halo can help release your inner glow!