With summer gone, fall is the perfect time for a laser treatment.

Laser treatments help stimulate collagen.


There is usually a price to pay for the summer glow, it might include sunspots, discoloration and pigmentation on your skin. Photodamage and environmental pollutants can lead to thinning of the skin, fine lines and wrinkles, pigment changes, coarse skin texture, enlarged pores, and dull skin tone.

With shorter days and less sun intensity, the fall and winter months are a perfect time to schedule a laser treatment and combat the effects of the summer glow.


Our laser infuses your skin with light energy.

As we age our skin also ages, losing its structural support because of decreased collagen and the loss of elasticity. A laser treatment infuses the skin with light which penetrates the skin’s surface. The heat from the laser’s light stimulates the production of collagen regaining the skin’s structural support. Stimulating collagen helps make our skin smoother, vibrant, and radiant. The laser’s heat also helps improve the skin’s overall tone and texture.

Which laser treatment is best for you?
Schedule a complimentary consultation today.


Laser treatments can be separated into non-ablative and ablative. In non-ablative laser treatments such as the BBL (Broad Band Light), light passes through the epidermis (top layer of skin) to the dermis without removing any layers of skin. This gentle approach of treating aging skin is less invasive, more comfortable, and has a faster healing time.

BBL can treat a wide range of concerns including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Skin discoloration
  • Broken capillaries
  • Symptoms of rosacea

Non-ablative treatments can rejuvenate the skin on the face, chest, neck, forearms, legs and hands for both men and women. A BBL treatment may take 30 – 45 minutes depending on the area and can result in some redness which resolves in a few hours. For optimal results, Maffi Laser Clinic recommends 2 – 4 treatments a year. Watch our BBL treatment video.

Ablative laser treatments or laser resurfacing is a deeper treatment that removes the top layers of skin. These treatments target deeper lines and wrinkles, aged or sun damaged skin, and coarse skin texture. It can also be used to treat scarring from acne or other skin conditions.

Recovery time is a bit longer, from 2 – 3 weeks depending on the depth of the treatment. It is possible that the skin may stay pink for several months as it continues to heal. An immediate difference is noted, the skin is smoother and tighter. The effects of an ablative laser treatment last longer than a non-ablative treatment. The procedure can be done in the office or in the operating room.


Halo Laser Treatment uses the hybrid technology of a non-ablative laser, combined with an ablative laser. In this treatment the laser targets the dermis (second layer of skin) to stimulate new collagen, and fractionally vaporizes (ablates) tiny laser channels into the epidermis (top layer of skin) addressing the skin’s tone and texture.

There is some downtime as the skin heals, usually 3 – 5 days. It’s a great treatment to have on a Thursday or Friday and then lay low for the weekend. Maffi Laser Clinic recommends one treatment a year.

Learn more about Halo by clicking here.

When considering a laser treatment it’s important to find a highly trained professional who has experience with the type of laser treatment you are considering. At Maffi Clinics, you have the opportunity to meet with the Director of our Laser Clinic, a registered nurse with over 15 years of experience in laser treatments. Discussing the goals you have for your skin can help determine which laser treatments are best for you.

Call 480-505-6430 to schedule an appointment and finish off the year with fresh rejuvenated skin!

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We look forward to the opportunity to meet and discuss your personal goals with you. Call Maffi Clinics at 480.505.6430 or send an email consultation request today!