Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and Facial Fillers

With Covid-19 vaccines being administered across the country, headlines are buzzing with the latest incidents that occurred to patients who received the Moderna Vaccine and had facial fillers.
The reported cases included patients with dermal fillers who had experienced an adverse swelling reaction (up to 2 days) after receiving the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Each of the episodes were quickly resolved with the use of steroids and/or antihistamines. The incidents reported are rare and the temporary swelling responses have been mild in each case. None of the incidents were considered life threatening or required hospital time, the use of an EpiPen or have resulted in any long-term complications.
Maffi Clinics is following the recommendations of the FDA, the CDC, The Aesthetic Society and others to safely make decisions regarding filler and the Covid-19 vaccine. At this time, we place confidence that having a history of facial fillers should not impede you from receiving the vaccine.
We will continue to monitor any further recommendations given by the FDA, the CDC and The Aesthetic Society as needed.
frequently asked questions
This is not necessary. If you experience swelling and inflammation you will be treated with steroids and antihistamines.
Please contact our front desk concierge 480.505.6430. They will be able to assist you and put you in contact with our clinical nurse.
At this time side effects have only been reported with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
For More Information, please visit
DISCLAIMER: The information above is not intended to define or serve as the standard of medical care. All information comes directly from the FDA, the CDC and The Aesthetic Society and should be taken at the readers discretion.