Rejuvenate and refine your face and neck


Nonsurgical alternative with immediate results

Imagine if you could restore your youthful facial contours without surgery, scarring or a long recovery! Introducing FaceTite, a nonsurgical facelift alternative that rejuvenates the face and neck, refining your natural appearance.

FaceTite is an FDA approved procedure that uses thermal or radiofrequency energy to safely and effectively promote skin tightening and remove unwanted fat. Performed in our office under local anesthesia, the procedure uses a small handheld probe that precisely delivers thermal energy both under and on top of the skin. The thermal energy waves dissolve facial fat while stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. By simultaneously promoting collagen and elastin growth and melting fat, FaceTite will tighten supporting skin structure and redefine facial contours.


FaceTite + Morpheus8

FaceTite can be combined with Morpeus8, radiofrequency microneedling. Morpheus8 addresses the quality of the skin, treating the skin’s surface to improve tone and texture. The combination of internal and external radiofrequency energy helps to resurface and tighten the skin while removing unwanted fat. 

Refine your appearance

Bridge the Gap

FaceTite can address mild to moderate skin laxity, softening of the jawline or joweling, marionette lines, deep nasolabial folds, aging lower eyelids, and mild fullness under the chin. It is perfect for those individuals not ready for a facelift but are interested in addressing early signs of aging, a “Bridge the Gap” procedure. If you have already had a facelift, FaceTite can help support and maintain those results.



The procedure is performed in our office under local anesthesia and lasts about one hour. There is little downtime, patients generally return to work in three days. Normal activities can resume in 48 hours. The incisions are quite small and heal quickly; there is no scarring. Results are immediate with visible improvement in the treated area. Full benefits from Facetite continue for several months as collagen and elastin continue to be stimulated.

If you are interested in restoring your youthful profile without undergoing surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Maffi to discuss FaceTite. Call our office at 480.505.6430.

request consultation

We look forward to the opportunity to meet and discuss your personal goals with you. Call Maffi Clinics at 480.505.6430 or send an email consultation request today!