Supports your primary care physician’s or dermatologist’s plan.
Managing skin prone to acne requires a consistent skin health plan.
At Maffi Skin Clinic, our licensed aestheticians help create a personalized skin health regimen, including skin care services and medical grade products to keep the skin clear and acne free. Your customized treatment plan is designed to support the medical plan outlined by your primary care physician or dermatologist. For treatment of moderate to severe active acne, please consult your primary care physician or dermatologist for medical management.
Treatment Options
To support your acne skin health regimen.
As a simple and effective treatment, Hydradermabrasion evenly exfoliates the skin, extracts dirt and debris and simultaneously infuses the skin with condition specific serums. By targeting congested skin, it is an excellent treatment for acne. Removing the skin of dirt and debris and clearing clogged pores reduces the inflammatory reaction that may lead to acne. Once active acne is under control, this is a great maintenance treatment!
A multistep process, HydraFacial is a noninvasive treatment that will cleanse, exfoliate, extract and hydrate your skin. The vortex effect from the suction tips target the dead skin cells at the skin’s surface, any impurities found in clogged pores are extracted. The light acid that is applied helps in drying the oil glands, killing bacteria, and tightening the pores. Blue LED Light therapy can also help improve the appearance of oily or congested skin found in inflammatory acne skin.
Microneedling treatments can naturally improve acne scars. The treatment breaks up scar tissue, causes thickening of the skin, and creates new collagen and elastin. This results in a smoother appearance of the skin’s surface. Microneedling is not recommended for patients with active acne.
Chemical Peels are an exfoliating treatment that help improve the tone and texture of your skin and dry the skin to clear acne. By removing the damaged outer layer and enhancing cell turnover, the new regenerated skin is smoother and brighter. The chemical solutions for peels contain ingredients that help destroy bacteria and dry up oily skin. Chemical peels come in different strengths and preparations ranging from light, medium and deep. Patients must be off Accutane for 6 months before considering a chemical peel and approved by your physician.
BBL Photofacial infuses light energy into the skin triggering cells to “turn on” and rejuvenate. The laser treatment delivers a specific wavelength of light that attacks acne bacteria on the skin’s surface and in the sebaceous glands. Targeting over active sebaceous glands can result in a reduction in acne and an improvement in acne scarring. BBL Photofacial can also treat redness caused by acne breakouts. Patients must be off Accutane for 1 year prior to treatment and approved by your physician.
HALO is a resurfacing laser treatment that rejuvenates both the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin. This treatment can help target skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation resulting from acne breakouts. The ablative component in HALO improves the skin’s texture, tone and mild acne scars. Patients must be off Accutane for 1 year prior to treatment and be approved by your physician.
Total FX, fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing, aggressively treats moderate to severe acne scars. By targeting the deeper layers of skin and stimulating collagen production, this treatment tightens and smooths the skin. Patients must be off Accutane for 1 year prior to treatment and approved by your physician.
These SkinCeutical medical-grade skin care products are clinically proven to help absorb excess oil and exfoliate dead skin cells and can be used to reduce pore decongestion and sebum reduction to assist supporting your acne treatment regimen for clearer skin.
Learn more about our Acne Essentials skin care products.

MAFFI Skin Care Treatments
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